Most of the patients (93.02%) belonged to the 20 – 40 years age group [Table 1]. In this study 65.12% of them were males and 34.88% were females [Table 2]. In other studies of modern medicines, the incidence of this disease in males and females is equal. Of the patients, 83.72% were Hindu [Table 3]; 46.51% had less than 1 year chronicity; 20.93% patients belonged to the 1 to 3 years chronicity group; 20.93% were found in the more than 3 to 5 years chronicity group. Only 11.63% patients were found in the more than 5 years’ chronicity group [Table 4].
Table 1
Distribution of the patients according to age
Table 2
Distribution of the patients according to sex
Table 3
Distribution of the patients according to religion
Table 4
Distribution of the patients according to chronicity
Bowel frequency was reduced by 81.81% and this benefit was statistically highly significant, Bleeding in stool was reduced by 91.58% and this was also statistically highly significant, Abdominal pain was reduced by 86.76% and this too was statistically highly significant, Weakness was reduced by 65.97%, again a statistically highly significant result, Body weight was increased by 2.31% and it was also statistically highly significant [Table 5]. Hemoglobin level was increased by 16.76%, which was statistically a highly significant result, ESR was decreased by 44.16% and it was also statistically highly significant, RBC in stool was decreased by 93.02% and it too was statistically highly significant, Pus cells in stool were decreased by 80.76% and it also was statistically highly significant [Table 6]. Forty-three patients had positive occult blood test before starting this treatment. Only four patients were found with positive occult blood test after the trial therapy. So 90.70% patients showed negative occult blood test after this treatment.[Table 7]. The drug prednisolone was taken by 16 patients in this study and the dose was reduced by 87.32%, that suggests a highly significant result, The dose of the sulfasalazine drug was reduced by 77.00% and it was also statistically highly significant [Table 8]. None of the patients developed any new complication or new undesirable features [Table 9]. All the signs and symptoms, laboratory investigations and dose of steroids and sulfasalazine drugs were reduced, which was statistically highly significant.
Table 5
Effects of Ayurved therapy on signs and symptoms of ulcerative colitis
Table 6
Effects of Ayurvedic therapy on investigations of patients of ulcerative colitis
Table 7
Effects of Ayurvedic therapy on occult blood test
Table 8
Effects on reduction of the dose of steroids and sulfasalazine drugs
Table 9
Improvement in symptoms and signs and investigations
Probable mode of action of the therapy
Ulcerative colitis is a disease of purisha vaha srotas which is caused by Pitta pradhana Vata doshas. Udumbara kvatha has properties of Pitta Vata shamana and also vrana shodana and ropana[3] which help in healing ulcers in the colon by basti karma. It also has stambhana properties that help in reducing the bowel frequency and check bleeding. Kutaja ghan vati[4] contains ghana satva of Kutaja tvak and has an Atisara nashaka (stambhana) guna that also helps in reducing the bowel frequency. Musta[5] with its grahi action relieves the ama in the body and also reduces the bowel frequency. Nagakesharahas Raktatisara nashaka[6] and Lodhra[7] has rakta stambhaka action that checks the bleeding. Mukta panchamrut rasa[8] is a classical compound Ayurveda drug that relieves excessive Pitta dosha andushna guna in body. One of the ingredients of Mukta also relieves mental stress which is a contributing factor to the disease.