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Wound Healing Activity

        Styptic and Wound Healing Properties of Siddha Medicinal Plants - a


Traditional Siddha system of Medicine is widely practiced in Tamilnadu and Tamil speaking areas of the World. With the specialty as one of the World’s ancient Traditional systems of Medicine, its importance is being felt and widely discussed nowa- days. Apart from its tremendous healing properties, it is also alleged of not having remedies for emergencies such as Cardiac conditions, acute respiratory conditions, bleeding disorders etc. On the other hand, such conditions have always been dealt by our forefathers’ even centuries back. In olden days the Siddhars’ (founders of Siddha Medicine) used lots of herbs to treat cardiac and respiratory conditions, heal wounds, treat Snake bites, Scorpion bite, dreaded diseases like Cancer and STD/VD etc and documented them in the form of Palm leaf manuscripts, stone and copper scriptures etc.. With the advancement of Medicine, the treatment options and parameters have changed, but the concepts that our ancestors followed so far remains in the old texts and literatures. Nowadays due to modern civilization, such age old practices are put in the dark and often forgotten. So the Authors of this review paper has chosen this topic and listed out the commonly identifiable, easily available, cost effective herbs having styptic action and wound healing properties as per the Siddha traditional literatures. In addition scientific data in the form of In-vivo studies already done in the selected plants have also been reviewed.

Key Words: Styptic Herbs, Herbal Wound Healers, Siddha Medicine, In-vivo studies, Herbal Pharmacology.

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Recently, the traditional use of plants for wound healing properties has received attention by the scientific Community1. India has a rich tradition of plant-based knowledge on healthcare. A large number of plants/plant extracts/decoctions or pastes are equally used by Tribes and folklore traditions in India for treatment of cuts, wounds, and burns (Kumara et al., 2007). This review article focuses in bringing out Siddha medicinal plants which are commonly identifiable, easily available throughout the year, cost effective and with lesser adverse effects. These plants are well documented as having potent styptic actions in traditional Siddha literatures which also serve as Standard Text books in imparting Siddha Education3. Evident research data favoring Wound healing activities of the above said plant are also compiled, reviewed and documented.

Styptics and Wound healing
The Styptic action is defined as ‘Contracting the tissues or blood vessels’. It is also known as astringent and haemostatic which tends to check bleeding by contracting the tissues or blood vessels3, 29, 30. Wound healing is an intricate process whereby the skin (or another organ-tissue) repairs itself after injury. In normal skin, the epidermis (outermost layer) and dermis (inner or deeper layer) exist in steady-state equilibrium and shield from the external environment. When the skin is broken, the normal (physiologic) process of wound healing begins. The classic model of wound healing comprises three or four sequential, yet overlapping phases: (1) haemostasis, (2) inflammation, (3) proliferation and (4) remodeling31. Upon injury to the skin, a set of complex biochemical events takes place in a closely orchestrated cascade to repair the damage.

Plants with Styptic action
The Siddha aspect of the medicinal plants having styptic and wound healing properties is furnished in the Table. 1 followed by Table II, which contains the Siddha Medicines of Herbal, Metal & Mineral origin having styptic and wound healing activities. Following is the list of Single Herbs for Haemostatic action2, 3, 4, 5, 30. (The regional/Tamil names are mentioned within the brackets).

1. Banyan tree (Aala maram)
2. Common Wireweed (Arrivaal mookku pachilai)
3. Chay root (Impural)
4. Barmuda grass (Arugan pul)
5. Country Fig (Atthi)
6. Purging nut (Kaatamanakku)
7. Magic nuts (Maasikkai)
8. Pomegranate (Maathulai)
9. Red silk cotton (Mul elavu)
10. Rhus olina (Othi maram)
11. Plantain tree (Vaalai)
12. Kino tree (Vengai).

Table 1 Information about individual plants

Table 2 Siddha Medicines having Styptic actions (of Herbal, Metal & Mineral origin2,3).

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In-vivo Studies - A Data Collection

1. Banyan tree (Ficus benghalensis)
The wound-healing efficacy of ethanolic and aqueous extracts of F. benghalensis was evaluated in excision and incision wound models6. Both the ethanolic and aqueous extracts of F. benghalensis were found to possess significant wound-healing activity which was evidenced by decrease in the period of epithelialization, an increase in the rate of wound contraction and skin-breaking strength7. The ground substance mainly consists of proteoglycans, which are heterogeneous, nonfibrillar components of the extracellular matrix. These complex macromolecules are made up of a protein core linked covalently to linear heteropolysaccharides, the glycosaminoglycans (GAGS). Proteoglycans and GAGS have been shown to play important roles in all the above-mentioned events of wound healing8,9.

2. Common Wireweed ( Sida acuta)
Effects of topical administration of methanolic extract of Sida acuta ointment was studied respectively on two types of wound models in rats, (i) the excision and (ii) the incision wound model. It is observed that the wounds contracting ability of the Sida acuta ointment (5% w/w) significantly greater than that of the control NFZ ointment (0.2% w/w). In the case of NFZ ointment and Sida acuta ointment treated groups it was found to be 18±2 d10.

3. Barmuda grass (Cynodon dactylon)
Flavanoid fraction of Cynodon dactylon in Swiss albino Mice Shows the Wound healing activity, were applied externally daily on excised wound area for 8days. The samples were defatted with Chloroform: methanol (2:1) and lyophilized. 5mg of lyophilized tissue was hydrolyzed with 5ml of 6N Hydrochloric acid for 20 hours in sealed tubes. After hydrolysis, the sample were evaporated to dryness; the residue was dissolved in water and made up to 3 ml which was used for estimation of Total collagen, protein, lipid peroxide. This fraction facilates the healing process as evidenced by increase in collagen and protein and decrease in lipid peroxide in granulation tissue11,12.

4. Country fig (Ficus racemosa)
The wound healing activity of aqueous and ethanolic extract of roots of Ficus racemosa (F. racemosa) in Wistar albino rats13. , Initially the wound should made with the help of Ketamine anaesthetics. Thereby the percentage wound closure, epithilization time and scar area on complete epithelization was measured. The ethanolic extract of the root of the plant F. racemosa showed significant increase in percentage closure by enhanced epithelialization. This enhanced epithelialization may be due to the effect of F. racemosa extracts on enhanced collagen synthesis. The higher breaking strength indicates better healing of wounds14,15... Extract of Ficus racemosa Linn showed marked reduction in wound area in comparison to control group from 4th day onwards. The result obtained indicates that aqueous extract of Ficus racemosa Linn accelerates the wound healing process by decreasing the surface area of the wound the activity of the extract was found to be highly Significant (P<0.001). Many bioactive components also have been isolate from F. recemosa like tiglic acid, higher hydrocarbons and other phytosterol from fruit, taraxerone etc 16,17.

5. Purging nut ( Jatropa curcas)
The Bark extract of jatropa curcas shows Significant wound healing activity in albino rat models. It accelerates the healing process by increasing the skin breaking strength, wound contraction, dry granulation tissue weight and hydroxyproline levels. A significant decrease in epithelization period was also seen. Therefore the bark extract showed very effective in accelerating wound healing process18.

6. Maasikkai (Quercus infectoria)
Ethanol extract of the shade-dried leaves of Quercus infectoria was studied for its effect on wound healing in rats, the plant showed a definite, positive effect on wound healing, with a significant increase in the levels of the antioxidant enzymes, superoxide dismutase and catalase, in the granuloma tissue. This finding provides an insight into the usage of the galls of Q. infectoria in traditional treatment of wounds or burns associated with bacterial infection19. The main constituents found in the galls of Q. infectoria are tannin (50-70%) and small amounts of free gallic acid and ellagic acid20.

7. Pomegranate ( Punica granatum)
Ethanol successive extract of Punica granatum, on wistar rat showed significant the wound healing activity. The extract of Punica granatum significantly increased the rate of wound contraction and collagen turnover21. Collagen, the major component which strengthens and supports extracellular tissue, is composed of the amino acid, hydroxyproline, which has been used as a biochemical marker for tissue collagen22.

8.Red silk cotton ( Bombax malabaricum)
Alchoholic Bark extract of Bombax malabaricum resulted in a significant (P<0.05) declines potent Wound healing activity by incorporating extract in simple ointment base B.P. in concentration of 2% (w/w) and 4% (w/w)23. The Results were also comparable to those of a standard drug, nitrofurazone in terms of wound contracting ability, wound closure time, tensile strength. The statistical data indicated that the wound with ointment containing 4% w/w alcoholic extract exhibited significant (P < 0.001) wound contracting ability and period of epithelization.

9. Rhus olina ( Lannea coromandelica)
Ethanol and acetone extracts of Lannea coromandelica (Houtt) merr barks were applied to male wistar rats in the form of simple ointments exhibited wound healing activity in excision and incision methods. Framycetin sulphate was taken as standard both methods. The ethanolic and acetone extracts gave 97.11% and 95.95% activity respectively in excision method and even showed sustainable results in incision method also. The results shown that Lannea coromandelica extract has potent wound healing activity by in terms of significant wound contraction and increased tensile strength24,25

10. Plantain tree (Musa paradisiaca)
The extract of Musa Paradisiaca posses significant wound healing activity in rat models. Multicentric trial has shown plantain banana to be helping in early healing of ulcer dyspepsias and delaying ulcer recurrences26. . Flavanoids are known to reduce lipid peroxidation not only by preventing or slowing the onset of cell necrosis but also by improving vascularity. In the tissue repair process, inflammatory cells promote the migration and proliferation of endothelial cells leading to neovascularization of connective tissue cells which synthesize extracellular matrices including collagen resulting in re-epithelialization of wounded tissue27.

11. Kino tree (Pterocarpus marsupium)
The effect of heart wood extract of P. marsupium on wound healing has been studied in diabetic and normal animals. The effect has also been compared with standard (mupirocin ointment) application. The results show that application of heart wood extract of P. marsupium significantly increased wound healing in both normal and diabetic animals. Thus plant extracts Promotes wound healing activity.

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Haemorrhage is responsible for 50% deaths occurring within 24 hours of traumatic injury. Haemorrhage is also a leading cause of death associated with blood transfusion. There is a need for the improvement of current treatments of bleeding associated with surgery, trauma or other tissue damages. An ideal styptic with fewer side effects, of natural origin, easily available and cost effective is the need of the hour. In that way, the list of single herbs and poly herbal/metal/mineral drugs having potent styptic activity are documented through this review paper. The potency of the herbs mentioned in this review paper are also proved by the in-vivo study results compiled herewith. Hence it is evident that what our Siddhars’ documented centuries back are true and in accordance with the test results done through Scientific parameters.
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